(Am CH Captivate's You Had Me At Hello x Shyan's Ring True)

Captivate's Savoy Truffle aka "Truffles" as she is known comes from my friend Marianne Miller of Captivate Golden Retrievers.
Truffles is a fun loving girl that represents the true definition of "Golden" in every way. She loves everyone she meets, both 2 and 4 legged, and is especially fond of puppies. She oversees the dog yard to make sure no one is playing too rough. If she hears even the slightest cry, she is right there to intervene and make sure all is well. We call her the "Matriarch" even though she is not the oldest and has yet to have any puppies. She is "large and in charge" and it is just a hoot to watch her interact with all of the dogs.
Truffles will be bred in the spring of 2017 with hopes of having her own litter of golden bundles. We have no doubt she is going to be a phenomenal mom.
Truffles is a fun loving girl that represents the true definition of "Golden" in every way. She loves everyone she meets, both 2 and 4 legged, and is especially fond of puppies. She oversees the dog yard to make sure no one is playing too rough. If she hears even the slightest cry, she is right there to intervene and make sure all is well. We call her the "Matriarch" even though she is not the oldest and has yet to have any puppies. She is "large and in charge" and it is just a hoot to watch her interact with all of the dogs.
Truffles will be bred in the spring of 2017 with hopes of having her own litter of golden bundles. We have no doubt she is going to be a phenomenal mom.
Below are favorite photos of Truffles.
Click on photos for larger view.