Macintosh-N-Kokopelli Stronger Than Dirt BOSS

(Am-Can CH Venture Redog's Magic Hat Trick OS x Dichi-Macintosh's Atta Girl)
kokopelli golden retrievers Macintosh-N-Kokopelli Stronger Than Dirt ajax
Macintosh-N-Kokopelli Stronger Than Dirt BOSS aka "Ajax" as he is known, also comes from my dear friend Barb Stevens of Macintosh Goldens.

Ajax is a half-brother to our Faith. Early on we knew he was special. At the Fort Detroit Golden Specialty as a 9-12 puppy (also his very first dog show) he went Best of Opposite in Sweeps as well as Reserve Winners Dog. He also went BIS and Res BIS a couple of weeks later at his very first UKC show.

We could not be been more proud of him. He loves the show ring as well as just hanging out with his 4 legged friends at home. He has such a gentle spirit that you can't help but fall in love with him.

Watch for Ajax as he hits the show ring in 2017. We are anxious to see what is in store for our very special boy.

Below are favorite photos of Ajax.
Click on photos for larger view.
kokopelli golden retrievers ajax
kokopelli golden retrievers ajax
kokopelli golden retrievers ajax
ajax kokopelli golden retrievers
ajax kokopelli golden retrievers
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kokopelli golden retrievers ajax
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